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The Locker Room - Responsible Gaming



'The Locker Room' is an article series which will give you a behind the scenes look into who we are and how we're working at Unibet.

The iGaming business is often portrayed as the bad guy trying hard to nick every last penny from their customers. In Unibet's case, this portrayal couldn't be further off the mark; responsible gaming (RG) is a key component of the company's culture, and we've got a dedicated team focusing solely on providing a safe, secure and supportive environment. 

We're considered an industry leader in the RG area and have won several RG awards. We recently had a chat with our RG colleagues and are happy to share a bit of information about how seriously we take this area. 

What does a normal day look like for an employee in the responsible gaming department?

Thankfully there is no such thing as a normal day for employees at the Responsible Gaming department , and it’s probably why we love our job that much. Our job is unique in the sense that there is natural balance between scheduled tasks and other tasks that revolve around the demands of our customers, something that can hardly be totally predicted. The RG department takes care of training all the employees and any RG case is escalated to the team. One of our main objectives is to base our work on research and empirical analysis in order to cater and provide the best service possible for our customers; so we spend time number crunching and keeping up to date with the published research!

How do you help a customer with a gambling issue?

Every customer is unique and there is no specific way of how we can approach a case. What we try to make sure is that our customers are informed about RG tools which are the best solution for them. If a customer contacts us saying that they have a gambling problem, we take these very seriously. We will close the account and remove the customer from receiving any further promotional communication with us. We will send information about where the customer may seek further help and we will also offer the possibility of installing Betfilter for free. It is very important that if customers feel that they have an issue with gambling, they should contact us. We give the information of where customers can seek help and we also give free Betfilter licenses in cases where is needed. Customers who may have a problem in regulating their gambling, we will advise to set up a deposit limit, or if a certain product is causing them distress, we will advise them to block that product group. It all depends on the case, but our aim is to help people keep gambling as a form of entertainment.

How do you approach a customer, you think might have a gambling issue?

If we might think that a customer is experiencing gambling problems, we would tell one of our trained customer service agents to contact the player and discuss the issues. Within customer service department, we have dedicated customer service agents who receive RG training every month! We rather discuss the issue with our customer as it’s better to be safe than sorry.

How do you see the future for responsible gaming?

Responsible gaming is still in its infant stages and at Unibet we have always tried to make it part of our culture. There is still the need to analyze more data and more research is needed. The more we can understand how we can help customers keep their gambling as a form of entertainment, the more we can help our customers.

What's the greatest satisfaction in your job?

The greatest satisfaction in our job is when customers contact us to thank us for being proactive in helping them stop gambling. We do get the occasional complaint of course, but we had cases where we engaged with our customers and encouraged them to have a break from gambling and seek help. There were a few instances where the customers would contact us after a few months thanking us for helping them take that first step. Although working in the RG team might get a bit stressful and the workload might get a bit too much, knowing that we actually helped someone makes it all worthwhile.


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We'd love to hear, what you think the next "The Locker Room" article should be about! Post your suggestion below :)

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Introduce some person from customer service,that way you give service more personal touch and clear thing that there is human behind our service

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This is a very great thing you guys are doing. It shows you value customers & only want them to gamble within their means. Gambling Addiction can ruin lives so its important for resources to be available to counter this issue.

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We'll work on an interview with a Customer Support/Live Chat Agent. If all goes well, it should be published in 2-4 weeks' time :)

For now you can watch the below video for a bit more information about our Customer Support

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It is a gambling site ,  it is the painfully truth .. they are friendly for the money ... end of quote

And i did not care  when i started playing but now it is ... freaking odd how my "games "  act ...but that is called management right ? :smileylol:

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  We're friendly because we really appreciate our customers,  the products we offer are for them so we'd like nothing better than to hear their feedback. All of our slot machines pay out randomly, the slots aren't "managed" in any way and the games work just like if you would play them from another site :)

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Responsible gambling is also important customers to take care ourselves, it should be fun but if it cause stress it should stop. I like to play in casinos and do sports bets, sometimes more and sometimes less. For example normally I do not spend too much money to gambling, but sometimes when I win big, and I mean over 10 times my normally monthly gambling bets I play more. But I can stop in right time, it is much more fun have good profits in account and wallet than loose all. This month has been very good to me so I am happy with that. So let's keep our hobby profitable!

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