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  1. Well "duh" :Haha: You know how I always complicate things - that was just too simple for me to get. :Cheeky: (I couldn't have been more far off - I was actually trying to figure out if the hats on the jack cards look like cars or something... :Rofl:)
  2. Another great installment of the Newsletter @jonny2192. (But am I the only one not "getting" the bad joke...? :happyshy: Carjack...?) Congrats to the raffle winners! :smile: I bet at least one of them is particularly happy now that they stuck to their guns and didn't change their initial choice. :wink:
  3. Okay, looks like the mentioning worked - but I just discovered I can't edit posts either. :P
  4. Sounds good @BonusPater. :) Hmm, seems I can't "mention" people in here either, the list never shows up when I write @. I think I saw someone else saying they had formatting problems too, in the member of the year voting thread... I had the same issue there as well. Btw, when I say I can't use emoticons, I mean I don't get any of those choices above the post window - it's just the rich text, html and preview links - and the quote one. But I can't click on either of them without being kicked out and having to start over.
  5. Looks nice and clean, I like it. :) Will it also be made possible to see the whole conversation at once - like in an email? If you have a lot of messages it's sometimes hard to know which one someone is replying to and you have t go back and open up the previous message to know what it's all about. Btw, how come I can't format, use emoticons or preview my posts in the blog section? I went to preview this but then it just went back to your original post and everything I'd written disappeared so I had to go back and re-type the whole post again. For some reason I always seem to have the same problem in this section of the board... Anyone else?
  6. Congrats to all the winners (and the runners-up)! :Smile: Each and every one of you have deserved your rewards and you all contribute to making this a great place to be, so I hope you keep doing what you do best in 2017 as well. :thumbsup: :Veryhappy:
  7. Really interesting to hear the story of how the community was born, @BonusPater. And since it is in fact your "baby" it must be wonderful to see how much it's grown in less than a year. Yes, there were some "growing pains" in the beginning, but you dealt with it like any good parent and managed to keep the good atmosphere throughout - which is also why so many of us from the "starting group" have stuck around. I didn't really know what to expect when I first joined, but one thing is for certain, I haven't regretted it for a moment. :) I usually don't hang out on forums either, but this one's actually hard to stay away from - and the main reason for that is all the awesome community members - and of course @BonusPater, @MarcoV and @JeppeL (and the product experts) who take such good care of us on a daily basis. You really should be proud of what you've achieved here.:) Sure, who knows, there may still be some unruly "teenage years" up ahead, but whatever happens we'll deal with it together - as a community.:)
  8. I don't know if it's supposed to be that way but the text isn't visible at all when you click on "read more" - inside the post there's only the video. Anyway, interesting as always - so thanks for posting it. :)
  9. Thanks @JeppeL. Good thing I asked then, or it may have remained lost in cyber space. ;) And congrats to Unibet on the award - absolutely well deserved. :)
  10. Just curious, was this the last episode in the "Luck is no Coincidence" series or will we see more of these guys in the near future? :)
  11. I like the dark theme, but I like the lighter one too and I agree with JillianP that the old one is easier to read, so is it - or will it be - possible to choose which one to use?
  12. Interesting as always - and quite funny too. I love those two guys. :) Btw, is anyone else amazed that he could hit the tennis ball with his foot like that - and score as well - over and over again? Hitting it with a racket is one thing, but it's so small, I'd hardly be able to track where it was, much less hit it with my foot - so that was seriously impressive. :)
  13. Wow, those were some pretty cool tricks there at the end. :) Thanks for posting this, it was very internering to watch. I think Iceland in the Euros is another perfect exemple of how much the supporters can actually help the team. That Icelandic volcano sure worked well for them. :)
  14. This was very interesting to watch, so thanks for sharing. Might really pay off to check the weather forecast before placing a bet. Just a few days ago I was thinking about how the extreme weather in France might affect the Euro. I haven't seen anything more about it on the news, but I really hope they have the floodings under control now.
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