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DavidP_Unibet last won the day on November 21 2019

DavidP_Unibet had the most liked content!


1,187 Excellent
  1. @radge1 I can categorically confirm that the doomswitch is not real, runbad FeelsBadMan @FreedoM I'm overwhelmed by that news @MoreTBC As @BonusPater mentioned, we would have reached the guarantee without the tickets given away and going into the tournament we actually weren't sure if it would overlay. Still, a €30k/€40k weekly Sunday major may be more realistic to start with and we can build from there. What was also surprising about the Half Billion MTT was that it was quite a last minute idea and as such the promotion push could have been a lot heavier - in future we would also expect to gain more players by having longer to promote. In terms of gathering feedback from players before a new feature goes live, it doesn't happen too often at the moment but I'm looking into ways that we could have an ongoing focus group, maybe with some rotation so that a wider group of players get a chance to give feedback. On that note, I'm going to post something similar in the main forum shortly. @VikingsAF Me too, wish I could play it! Hi-lo games would be great to add but liquidity might prevent us from doing so in the very near future. Likewise with PLO SNGs, it'd be a good addition but might be a longer term thing.
  2. I'm really glad we have such a friendly and welcoming community, feels like it has been running a lot longer than half a year! Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who helps make it what it is, here's to an even better and bigger 2017 :)
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